employed by a company that hires more than five employees are entitled to Workplace Medical Insurance. Spouses and children are also covered by this insurance. The employer should enroll them in a medical insurance program. Foreign employees are advised to confirm enrollment. Community Medical Insurance is only for those who are not entitled to Workplace Medical Insurance.
Necessary Conditions
who fall under the categories below can
apply for Workplace Medical Insurance
or Community Medical Insurance.
who reside in Korea permanently with
an F-2 visa
Native citizens'
foreign spouses and their children with
an F-1 visa
who sojourn for a year or more with
D-1, D-2, D-4, D-5, D-6, D-7, D-8, D-9,
E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-7, E-8 or
F-4 visas and their children with an
F-3 visa who are single and under 20
years of age.
Required Documents for Community Medical Insurance
Alien Registration Card, a certificate
of current employment or an employment contract.
who have an F-1 or F-3 visa : a certificate
which can prove the family relation
Where to Apply
You can get more information from the Head Office
of the National Health Insurance
(Tel. 3270-9102).
Dial 119 in any emergency situation (e.g. fire, injury, natural disaster, etc.). Once you call, your location is automatically identified and a rescue team will arrive quickly to provide you with professional assistance.
Foreign residents and tourists can be assured of getting speedy translation services when they dial emergency call 119.
The Korea National Tourism Organization (KNTO) and the National 119 Rescue Service have cooperated to provide a complete emergency rescue service for the nation's foreign community. The joint service provides rescue services for all types of emergency situations.
Any foreign resident or traveler who calls 119 for help is automatically connected to the KNTO's 24-hour tourist information center for a real-time translation and proper assistance.
The service will be available in English, Japanese and Chinese. One may also dial 1330 to be connected to the National Rescue Service.
In addition, International SOS Korea, Ltd. provides a 24-hour emergency service for foreigners.
International SOS Korea Ltd
Membership required / English and Japanese available Tel. 82-2-790-7561, 6783 (24 hours)
FOCUS (Foreigner's Community Service)
Membership required / Volunteers are available Tel. 798-7529, 797-8976
Other agencies or organizations providing emergency services