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1092 Let's look at 2 [13-08-15] AOD Archive Past and Present ¿Àµð¿ÀÆÄÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå 04:10 ÂüÁ¶¿­±â ½ºÅ©·¦Çϱâ 17
North Seoul Dream Forest (ºÏ¼­¿ï²ÞÀǽ£) Welcome to the new season of Past and Present. I'm Matthew Rutledge. This season, we are presenting information on historical sites in Seoul that you can, and definitely should visit. Our theme for this week has been on parks in Seoul. Last time, we gave..
1091 Let's look at 2 [13-08-14] AOD Archive Past and Present ¿Àµð¿ÀÆÄÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå 04:10 ÂüÁ¶¿­±â ½ºÅ©·¦Çϱâ 13
Waryong Park (¿Í·æ°ø¿ø) Welcome to the new season of Past and Present. I'm Matthew Rutledge. This season, we are presenting information on historical sites in Seoul that you can, and definitely should visit. For the past several episodes, we introduced you to Seoul's parks and the attraction..
1090 Let's look at 2 [13-08-13] AOD Archive Past and Present ¿Àµð¿ÀÆÄÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå 04:09 ÂüÁ¶¿­±â ½ºÅ©·¦Çϱâ 22
Yeouido Park (¿©Àǵµ°ø¿ø)  Welcome to the new season of Past and Present. I'm Matthew Rutledge. This season, we are presenting information on historical sites in Seoul that you can, and definitely should visit. We are continuing our series on Seoul's parks this week, and last time, we talked ..
1089 Let's look at 2 [13-08-12] AOD Archive Past and Present ¿Àµð¿ÀÆÄÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå 04:10 ÂüÁ¶¿­±â ½ºÅ©·¦Çϱâ 9
Seonyudo Park (¼±À¯µµ°ø¿ø)  Welcome to the new season of Past and Present. I'm Matthew Rutledge. This season, we are presenting information on historical sites in Seoul that you can, and definitely should visit. Starting last week..
1088 Let's look at 2 [13-08-09] AOD Archive Past and Present ¿Àµð¿ÀÆÄÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå 04:11 ÂüÁ¶¿­±â ½ºÅ©·¦Çϱâ 19
Ttukseom Hangang Park (¶Ò¼¶ÇÑ°­°ø¿ø)  Welcome to the new season of Past and Present. I'm Matthew Rutledge. This season, we are presenting information on historical sites in Seoul that you can, and definitely should visit. Previously, we introduced you to Dosan Park or µµ»ê°ø¿ø that has been dedica..


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