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66 Let's look at 1 [10-01-20] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   51
 Did you know that people naturally walk in circles?   If you're lost in the woods and you feel like you're walking in circles, you probably are.  According to a study conducted in Germany, people really do go around and around, when there are no landmarks to guide us. &nb..
65 Let's look at 1 [10-01-19] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   61
 Did you know that Monkey's are Metallica fans?   According to a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin, monkeys are found to be fans of heavy metal music, in particular Metallica.   Researchers played a variety of music for a group of cottontop tamarin monkey..
64 Let's look at 1 [10-01-18] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   80
 Did you know that early humans skipped fruit and went for nuts?  When we picture our ancestors, we often imagine them picking fruits from trees.   But a new study indicated that they did not eat much fruit.   Instead, they consumed a lot of vegetables, nuts, mea..
63 Let's look at 1 [10-01-15] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   76
 Did you know that starfish are carbon sucking heroes?   According to a new study, these sea creatures are rising up to fight humanity's greatest wrong to the Earth: global warming.  Though it's a small percentage of the total 5.5 gigatonnes of carbon emissions releas..
62 Let's look at 1 [10-01-14] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   63
 Did you know that every Thursdays, I'm going to introduce you to certain artist with our "Artist Special"?   And did you know that artist for today is Diana Ross?  Did you know these facts about Diana Ross? If you didn't then listen up!    Diana Ross w..


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