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71 Let's look at 1 [10-01-27] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   60
 Did you know that our brains are wired to go ga-ga over babies?   The urge to cuddle and coo when presented with a baby turns out to be an innate response prompted by the stru..
70 Let's look at 1 [10-01-26] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   56
 Did you know that men and women see beauty differently?   Go to any museum and there will be men and women admiring paintings and sculpture.   But it turns out they are thinking about the sight differently.  According to a study conducted in Spain, men process bea..
69 Let's look at 1 [10-01-25] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   75
 Did you know that global warming turns fish into daredevils?   As the world grows warmer, some fish may stop acting like themselves.  According to a study conducted in Australia, some fish become more daring and aggressive than they would otherwise be, even with a small ris..
68 Let's look at 1 [10-01-22] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   59
 Did you know that a photograph of a cake can help you lose weight?   I don't mean actually eating pictures of a cake. I'm talking about simply looking at a photograph of a cake.   According to an article on New Scientist, psychologists in the Netherlands recently con..
67 Let's look at 1 [10-01-21] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   67
 On Thursdays, I'm going to introduce interesting facts about the artist I'll feature for the "Artist Special".  Did you know these facts about Simon & Garfunkel?   Did you know that Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel met in elementary school? - They both appeared in t..


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