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284 Small talk 1 [10-07-06] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   9
Part 1. Opening Title ¾ÈÁ¤Çö: Who's your best friend at work? And don't tell me you don't have any friends, because according to a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, there's a high chance you won't succeed in the work place if you're not abl..
283 Small talk 1 [10-07-05] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening       12
Part 1. Opening Title ¾ÈÁ¤Çö: Beck Johnson was told at school that as he would not succeed with his head, he should just learn to do something with his hands.   That was when he was 6 years old.   He is now 10 years old and runs an ice cream stand that does brisk business. &nbs..
282 Small talk 1 [10-07-02] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   8
Part 1. Opening Title ¾ÈÁ¤Çö: The monsoon season is here and with it comes a lot of humidity.   But that shouldn't keep us from going out and about, especially since it's the weekend tomorrow.  And if you're going ..
281 Small talk 1 [10-07-01] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   8
Part 1. Opening Title ¾ÈÁ¤Çö: What do you do to help the environment?  I admit, it's not easy to stay environmentally conscious, but there's one thing that we can do with relatively little effort and that's taking our reusable bags with us when we go grocery shopping.  But¡¦when..
280 Small talk 1 [10-06-30] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening       3
Part 1. Opening Title ¾ÈÁ¤Çö: Richard Jordan thought he had everything he wanted - he had several cars, he was going to get married and he had just bought a house for him and his fiancee of 5 years to settle down into.   But then his fianc?e left him and he felt broke.   In a s..


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