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334 Small talk 1 [10-09-14] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening       9
 There are tens of thousands of Koreans living in New Zealand.  And over the past 20 years this group of immigrants have been changing the cultural landscape of the country.  Find out more on the Evening Show.  ------(BG) Up Down------  You're listening t..
333 Small talk 1 [10-09-13] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening       58
 People have been curious about how the universe works since..well, forever.  And while advances in technology have continued to give us more insight over the years, a recent discovery on an aging star is expected to take us one step closer to understanding the world around us. &..
332 Small talk 1 [10-09-10] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening       12
 We all need a good night's sleep to function properly during the day.  But when you're younger, especially if you're in your teens, then sleep is not exactly top priority.  However, new research shows, that is ..
331 Small talk 1 [10-09-09] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening       10
 The world would be a very boring place if everyone was the same.   Fortunately, we look different, we speak different and we think different.  Guy Deutscher has been studying how people who speak different languages view the world differently.  Stay with us to fin..
330 Small talk 1 [10-09-08] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Opening       7
 Religion is a funny thing. It can bring people together, it can also drive people apart, as demonstrated in the controversy that continues to rage in the US over the proposed mosque near ground zero.   And even more recently, in the threats by a Christian church in Florida to burn th..


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