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171 Let's look at 1 [09-12-11] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   42
 Did you know that taxi drivers have brain navigations?   The Telegraph reported that scientists have uncovered evidence for an inbuilt "satellite-navigation" system in the brains of London taxi drivers.   They used magnetic scanners to explore the brain activity of taxi dr..
170 Let's look at 1 [09-12-10] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   25
 Did you know that carpeted flooring can affect what you purchase?  According to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research, people who stand on carpeted flooring feel comforted, but they judge products close to them to be less comforting. Researchers explored the feelings evoked by ..
169 Let's look at 1 [09-12-09] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   31
Did you know that men are more likely to sleep through babies' cries?  It's no secret that mothers are sensitive to their babies' cries, even while asleep. Yet a recent sleep study in the UK suggests it's not just mothers, but all women, who are quickly roused from sleep by the sound of a ..
168 Let's look at 1 [09-12-09] 5-7¡¤Wake up Crew Place of the Week   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   36
º¸¼º County  º¸¼º is a county in South Àý¶ó Province.   º¸¼º county is known in Korea, and internationally, for its tea.  After drinking fresh green tea at tea plantations an..
167 Let's look at 1 [09-12-08] AOD Archive Did You Know?   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   24
Research by the Institute of Education in London (IoE) found that men who went to single-sex schools were not only more likely to be separated from a partner or divorced, but also more likely to be depressed by middle age.   The chances of women having successful marriages were not affecte..


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