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1958 Current Affairs 4 [10-09-08] 7-9am¡¤This Morning Int'l News In-depth   ÂüÁ¶¿­±â   22
 It's time to take a closer look at international news, and joining us in the studio is Scott Thompson, our international news correspondent.  Good morning.    1. Petraeus: Burn a Quran Day Could 'E..
1957 Current Affairs 4 [10-09-08] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Arts, Technology, an..       5
 Since 1984 visionaries in technology, entertainment and design have met at the TED conference to share their ideas for a happier, healthier world.   Since 2006, expert talks have been offered for free viewing online a..
1956 Current Affairs 4 [10-09-08] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Interview with Bests..       14
 - How has your life changed after Tuesdays With Morrie?   - How has it changed how you interact with other people?   - What kind impact do you think your books have had on other people?   - Could you share some of the responses you gotten over the years?  &nb..
1955 Current Affairs 4 [10-09-08] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Reality Check       11
 On Monday in New York, talking to Korean reporters, National Assembly Speaker ¹ÚÈñÅ advocated pay raise for lawmakers and has now faced heavy criticism for that over the past 2 days...(INTRO).  we're joined by Dr ±èº´ÁÖ, head of KL & P Consulting for a Reality Check on lawmakers' salar..
1954 Current Affairs 4 [10-09-08] 6-8pm¡¤Primetime Issue Analysis       10
 Part 3. Issue Analysis - Australia's First Minority Government since World War II It was Australia's first hung parliament in 70 years.   Two weeks l..


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